Saturday, December 22, 2018

Random and Unexpected Poems...

The Hope
The wild hopes that add zing to life 
The hope that brings goodness to an otherwise mundane moment of strife
 A glimmer of hope that strengthens faith in the face of any storm 
An understanding that belies any norm
A strong intuition that despite the storm 
The calm is very near
 Landing safely on the base of focus and integrity 
Is it a wonder then
That the Divine force that shines supreme 
Makes this hope an unexpected reality

Life As Traffic Light Analysis
 A play of red yellow and green
Many times seen and most times unseen
The red signal says simply stop now
Or a rough brake put to stop forever 
The green is for go or go elsewhere wherever
And yellow is reflect or reflect on nothing
Time cuts through this reality daily rather nicely
 Like a knife 
Even as the traffic signal stands
 Braving this strange play on the intersection called life

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Random and Unexpected Poems

The Caravan
Caravan of thoughts
 Some go ahead .
Some trail behind .
Some just get lost .
The travel continues .
The caravan moves ahead .
A destination here today .
 Some missed goals on the way !
 But the caravan had to march ahead
As the road was long and time short .
All inhibitions it did shed .
The journey of thoughts continued .
 It seemed like a game of cross and naught.
Even as some thoughts surged ahead
 And some like the waves got crushed on the shores of destiny or fate
The caravan moved and moved it couldn’t wait

The Path
The unexpected turns and passers by .
As life runs on the busy roads whether in cars or trucks .
The Narrow by lanes at times
 And at times the vast roads
All go into making this journey on the road of life

The misty evening .
Where the Shapes and sounds take form of the mist .
A hazy view of reality .
 As evening light changes into darkness .
The tree and road take the form of the frothy clouds in the winter mist .
Life strolls by
 Runs at times .
Oblivious of these changes
 But don’t they happen daily ?

Exchange of cards or of thoughts energies and views
. Of relations and ideas
 Of laying new foundations 
Of building new structures
 Of Sharing caring of building a community of humans
 that are bound by common strands of goals
common concerns and perhaps love and kindness

On Personal Growth.
Like a flower that blooms from
The seed to the bud .
The delicate processes and exquisite steps .
Carried out by Nature.
To touch the sky while it is rooted in the mud .
Even as the world goes on with its business .
There is some letting go
Perhaps some pain and some mess .
As the bumble bee drops by and the raindrops fall .
And no one has any say .
Yet the flower blooms as Nature is at work each day

Life throws lemons at you and you are supposed to make juice out of it . Is there any other option like a lemon tart ?

Monday, December 17, 2018

Random and Unexpected Poem Series

Light at the End of the Tunnel
The glimmer of hope even as the tunnel
Never seemed to end .
 The tunnel was painfully long 
And each day seemed even longer .
Yet the rays marched through the dark tunnel rather bravely .
Breaking thru the darkness 
Further darkened with the endless pangs of time
 That just moved and moved 🍝
Not seeming to stop to mark the arrival of light of hope 
But it was oblivious .
The light and hope had hopped through the web of darkness 
 Jumped through the barriers put up by time .
They reached and the dark tunnel had to stop getting longer anymore 
 It was only light and hope in the tunnel and at the end of it too

Saturday, December 15, 2018

You Series....

I wish you were here
And I wish you too
Had the same wish
To be together
To create new memories
The Sights and sounds
All coming together
To create new experiences
A new life
The waters melting
In the evening sun
The mind and soul
Are all serene and calm
 with the mild ripples
All this and more
Have  come together
To create this one happy moment in time
A promise of a new start
A song on my lips with a new rhyme!

You just Melt my heart
It thaws and becomes like a jelly 
The ice of prudence , of reticence , of hesitation gives away 
Weak kneed and all 
When I had the strength to walk through all kinds of roads
A strange weakness
That gives immense strength from within .

Friday, December 14, 2018

You series

I normally would not have taken this challenge but anything on Asmita Sen's birthday .. to  publish a  Romantic poem series on my blog ..

All  Yours

Like the first rain taking away with it the sweltering heat
You came in my life to take away the mundane-ness
 Which routine had brought in
The cool monsoon air after the suffocating summer gasps
Comes as a welcome surprise
 A change that was much needed
Just that the need itself was not Known
Hidden behind the angry summer pangs
You came and wiped away all discomfort
Just like the first rain
That painted the parched nature a wet brown and green

The Appearing Act
You taught me to live
And just disappeared the way you came .
Planted the seed of life
And went away in the wilderness that is life
 And the paradox called living
But did you really disappear then?

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Random Unexpected Poems...

Reflections based on travel, life experiences and an unexpected nudge to experiment with a genre in which I normally do not write being a hardcore Realist and that's Romantic Poetry( to technically clarify - you will find here poetry that's got to do with love, longing etc. But any good English Literature student will tell you Romantic poetry  is also related to appreciation of Nature, Art, Beauty and not just love and longing )..

Shanghai Series
The shine and gloss
The roads
Where prosperity glides  easily
 The change that stands still at every busy road
 The business of being busy is so much everywhere
 The cafes ,roads ,the business
 It’s a new vibrancy
 A new energy
 That has taken over the world
A discomfort that the world is learning to be comfortable with .
The Giant’s steps are followed and watched keenly
Even as change follows you everywhere

Shanghai Life 
 Fast life
Fast cars.
Yet life continues with the smile and stress
 The roads, cafes, waterways and crowded skylines
The export import zones where ideas are exchanged .
Social media hungry and mobile hooked eyes .
Precision and drive .
The big brands and building big stories .
Is there anything that was behind the shine and shimmer
Which I didn’t see?

You Series- few more to follow

Your memories traveled
With me
Did I leave them everywhere
Or carried you, them and a few new ones
 Along with a longing and glee
In my dreams
In my hopes
The miles increased as time passed by
The caravan moved
Why should it be shy?
Our association
Only got stronger
You were no more a stranger

By the Still lake
The still lake
At night
Has no ripples
But multiple shadows
Thronging on the surface
Just like your multiple memories
Thronging my still mind
The flickering light
Driving away the darkness
Keeps on burning
Like my spirit
Despite a dreary day
With your memories
The flame burns bravely keeping all care at bay
With all the longing and hope that the heart can allow
The cold nip cuts thru the night air
Just as your memory touches each chord of my heart
The stillness has a new dynamism now

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Shanghai Roads

The roads of Shanghai
 With the studied approach of Europe
 The four lane expanse of USA
The vibrancy which is its own
The Change and  busyness that is life here
With genuine hospitality
And  only language as the barrier
There is always a way
But perhaps no answer for every what and why
That’s Shanghai

(Perhaps resonates with a Mumbaikar the most)

Friday, November 9, 2018

Lights-Diwali Everyday

There are lights shimmering everywhere outside
So let the lights shine from within
The light of clarity
The light of positivity
That shines bright
Even at times putting up a fight
Knows now how to shine brightly come rain or storm
The light of good counsel and wisdom
The light that leads you to the right path
The many shimmering lights within as you go along the way
 And then Diwali -the Festival of Lights falls everyday

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

High on Films @PVR ICON Infinty Mall (Andheri West) October 27TH & 28TH @ Jio MAMI Film festival

It certainly drives you mad the week  long  Jio MAMI film festival. With the challenges of a work week you can try and watch as much as possible of all  the 19 categories of films only over a weekend. And of course you wish that you could be there at all the venues .. But a reality check first and here’s an excellent article that can guide MAMI festival geeks..

The article has guided us in choosing our pick for the coming weekend on 27th and 28th @PVR ICON Versova as we become literally wallflowers there…For all World Cinema lovers this is a real treat....

October 27th
Our viewing list given below .. in a sequence
·       Bulbul Can Sing By Rima Das(Audi 1)

·       The Image Book by Jean-Luc Godard (Audi 2)
Switzerland, France | 84 mins

·      Azougue Nazaré(Audi 2)
             Tiago Melo Brazil | 80 mins

·        The Seventh Seal (Audi 4)
            Ingmar Bergman,Sweden | 97 mins

·        )Cold War (Audi 4)
            Paweł Pawlikowski ,Poland, France, UK | 88 mins

October 28th

We herby solemnly take an oath to plant ourselves in Audi 3 if we get the tickets
·         The Heiresses (Audi 3)
Marcelo Martinessi
Followed by( in the same Audi)

·         Roma
Alfonso Cuarón
Mexico | 135 mins

We then proceed to our very own Indian

·         Anthology Of Shorts (Audi 3)
A Monsoon Date | An Essay Of The Rain
Tanuja Chandra | Nagraj Manjule
India | 47 mins

·         Ash Is Purest White
Jia Zhangke, China | 136 mins

·         Burning
Lee Chang-dong, South Korea | 148 mins
 (of course our respective day job takes precedence for the rest of the week J)

@mumbaifilmfestival @mamiwaitends  #JioMAMIwithStar2018

Friday, October 19, 2018

On Birthdays

On Birthdays
It’s another year .
A simple passage of time?
Or enriching moments
Make this thing called time and age
Of daily uplifting actions
Of planned routines that help
 Of the fun that flows unplanned
Of the wisdom that shines like a glint through the cracks
Like a ray of sun that lightens up the space wherever it falls
This is the routine
The fun
The action and thought
And above all love and kindness that shines bright
 With the experience and insight .
And makes you feel come rain or shine
I am always on a well lit way
The essence of all
This is your birthday :)

Monday, October 15, 2018


Lotus in a pond
A stagnant pond has muck and all .
The lotus still blooms getting nutrients .
From the mess and muck .
 Growing tall and facing the sun .
Reaching out to get light from above .
 Stands tall and throws it’s radiance around .
Knows to sift through the mess and grow .
Thrive and spread joy .
It was its business to bloom and shine

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Differing gods
There is an upper caste God .
And then there is a lower caste one .
Perhaps the upper caste one is kind and all knowing .
Dressed in finery and offered great food .
The lower caste one may have clothes or just bare .
 In lowly surroundings .
Where divinity doesn't matter and you don't care .
But it's God after all and you got to seek gains .
Takes time here like the slow moving local trains .
To please and propitiate .
We have different holy cows .
Needs different rituals and vows .
These are the lower and upper caste Gods .
And who said on earth God is one .
Have heard that In fact each galaxy has its own sun

The Walk
 It has been a long crazy walk .
 Probably a limp at times .
Sometimes put in the history dustbin as stupid talk .
But  the wheels were set in motion .
With multiple actors and varied hues .
The story began and the canvas grew .
As time ticked with a song here
A narrative there
 Action somewhere
The plot thickened ..
 The walk limp and run to freedom and equality
 Is still on like the daily ticking of the clock

( this on the journey to achieve any change/ on any revolutionary movement)

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Bouquet of Emotions Chance Encounters & Wait @Jagran Film Festival-Mumbai

About 18 to 19 hours of uninterrupted  cinema and more cinema over the weekend ..As the memories are still fresh my  mind prompts me to write about my experience
Good cinema is a bouquet of emotions and thoughts .For cinema buffs the the Jagran film festival(Mumbai edition-Fun Republic Andheri) that concluded on 30th September then had an eclectic mix of movies, documentaries and shorts..A  large enough bouquet.
In such festivals a great treat awaits us  as you can glance thru the locales and emotions that a character goes through the busy streets of Buenos Aires , to the scenic locales of Himachal to the madness  that is Mumbai. Female directors  as I observed ruled the roost at Jagran Film festival .Not that the male directors weren’t good. Amongst the plethora of films that we saw over the weekend (managing work and film balance:)) a  few that stay with me….
Amo Akka ek se(we are all one) literally sent a shiver down the spine and gave goosebumps as it chronicled the  fight for basic rights and land by an illiterate but strong tribal woman leader- Jhilabai all of 89!Pratibha Sharma is indeed a very talented director and she depicted not just the collective fight but a range of emotions from loss to victory ,resilience and patience .A chance meeting with Pratibha Sharma made us realise that she went through five long years of work to make this  documentary shot in the Satpura range.

(you can watch the documentary promo here)

A chance technical glitch took all of us to the screening of Ribbon by Rakhee Sanidhya which addressed the challenges of gender discrimination at work and child abuse –a horrific evil that has sadly enough become a permanent feature of our society. The subject was very sensitively handled and the lead actors Kalki Koechlin and Sumit Vyas were amazing.In the audience interaction some questions were surprisingly  asked if the problem of child abuse really exists .. To which my friend promptly told me that the concerned person seems to be living underground not aware of the reality around him..
Counterfeit Kunku by Reema Sengupta with its catchy title,moving theme and innate pathos stole everyone’s heart.It is about a single woman’s struggle to find a rented tenement as generally rented houses are denied to single folks( and if I may add in many localities also based on caste, religion , food preferences etc ).She then wears kunku(sindoor/ vermilion) and dresses as a married lady and manages to get a house

Maya was one of the shorts that delineated the story of a fiercely independent woman , love , longing and struggle to build new relations even as the earlier ones get entangled in myriad emotions and feelings.

A few notable ones were:- Las Acacia-an Argentine movie which  depicted a range of emotions from loss to wait and hope, The Dawn-an Assamese film which dealt with grief, loss and again revival of hope, Vodka Diaries – a Hindi psycho thriller that revived memories of European cinema .Juze-a Konkani film which tackled the topic of exploitation, moral depravation and a flicker of hope toward the end!

Then there  were endless shorts and other movies which marked the entry of many young and talented Directors. It was heartening to know that good cinema is alive and kicking and there is a whole new generation ready to take the mantle ahead.

The festival ended with a film by Anurag Kawatra – Kuch Der aur (Wait a while)which dealt with the rather sensitive topic of a young boy’s life, associated ups and down and coming of age in the bylanes of Chandni Chowk!  As you reflect you realize there is a wait associated with each turn that life takes whether it is the protagonist's or yours. A sudden discovery ,a loss, search, wait and again revival of hope even as the protagonist  makes new associations , loses them , gets them back..chance encounters and all and the wait continues .. Well till the next Film Festival for cinema buffs likes us .. and no prizes for guessing that it is the MAMI Film Festival in October end..

Partner or rather Partners now in Crime-Asmita Sen and Anita Sachedev

#jagranfilmfestival #cinemabuffs #waitingforMAMIfilmfestival

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

MUSINGS.. Ashlesha Athavale​'s latest book..

MUSINGS.. Ashlesha Athavale​'s latest book..

I wonder if they remember me because I remember them..
Journalist and writer -Ashlesha Athavale reminisces in her latest book-MUSINGS about her growing up years in Goa- where her litterateur father, Narayan Athawalay was the editor of Daily Gomantak 
The book also has a few short stories & is a light read. Ashlesha’s love for nature and above all Goa stays with her as she pursued a career in journalism in Mumbai. 

For me Ashlesha is still the girl I met with her father on the first day of junior college D. G. Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce,Mumbai
Ashlesha has also translated the much acclaimed –Colony which is about Sachin Tendulkar’s assistant's brother –Siddharth Pardhe and Siddharth’s tryst with the famous Sahitya Sahawas society(Sachin being a former resident) which houses all Marathi literary stalwarts .
Proud of you Ash...

Real and Plastic ??

  What is real?
 The undiluted form of raw nature .
The pure air ,the rawness in the wind, the elements .
 The rock, pebbles, the jaded wood .
The growing sapling, the water buffalo soaking in the sea waters .
No genteel prudence here .
Yet everything disciplined and orderly .
Switch over to the plastic environment
 With the air conditioned air , the controlled environment .
 Everything in soft whispers
And a disciple that is like a veneer on a sooth filled table .
What is real? What is plastic?
The plastic is the real thing for us
And the real a reality that we seldom touch& feel
Plastic become real
And the real plastic

(on being one with Nature)

Thursday, September 20, 2018

What is Greatness..

We all casually say - this one is great, that one is superb.. What exactly is greatness, finesse in any field, the epitome of excellence ?? This is my take.. For some reason I was constantly thinking of one of the Indian Business leaders whom I immensely admire -Apurva Purohit (CEO of the Jagran Group) and Vivek Kamath-MSD Pharmaceuticals Managing Director (it is the company where I work, when I wrote this :)). In fact a casual conversation with Vivek was the inspiration for this poem
For me both of the leaders stand for varied degrees of excellence ...

What is it
A craft
An art
Hours of preparation
Dull repetition
But a lot of smarts
Thought and intuition
A dash of creativity
And fun
All mingle together
In the right proportion
With  right timing and logic
In the correct sequence
To create this magic
Which lands like an eagle with great swiftness
On a mighty mountain peak
Called Greatness

Dedicated to all great thinkers and people I know and admire from all fields- writers, business leaders, poets, painters, artists, film directors, economists , designers, sportspeople etc

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Travel Back in Time : Konkan Region Beckons

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
Marcus Garvey 

Once in a while it is always nice to visit your roots . To check out the place from where you came and soak in the spirit . To make it more dramatic it’s the essence of your origin, your existence . Though I would like to proudly say that there are many places in India from where I have absorbed varied influences due to the various places where folks who have had an impact on my life and my early years have stayed(when they were growing up) – Pune, Lucknow, Indore, Mumbai (lion’s share goes to this metropolis). But the Konkan coast and Ratnagiri district in Maharashtra have a special place in my heart as the region is not only exceedingly beautiful but it also happens to be my ancestral place . The road from Mumbai to Goa(Ratnagiri is one the way) is lush green especially in the aftermath of heavy rains . For the sake of poetic license we can suspend reality for a while and ignore the potholes ( though one politician shamelessly mentioned that he would like to make the Mumbai Goa highway like the San Francisco Las Vegas road - was he joking?? It also reminds me of another analogy where a politician said that he would like to make Mumbai another Shanghai.On visiting Shanghai reality dawned and I thought when will this grandiose dream be ever realised !!).Anyway coming to the practical north gritty details of travelling on the Mumbai Goa highway to begin with the road via Pali (from Mumbai) is much better as compared to the road through Pen . 

The scenic beauty of Konkan is unparalleled . There are some patches of roads which are lined with the unexplored beaches on one side and the Sahayadri mountains or hillocks on the other . Surprise surprise as compared to the Mumbai Goa highway these roads are in a great condition too . Here I would like to specially mention the road from Rajapur to Ratnagiri via the villages of  Pawas,Adivare ( which has the famous Mahakali temple ).

The Konkan region has it unique culture where a lot of importance is given to music and theatre. Holi and Ganapati are the main festivals. And folks from Konkan who have thronged to Mumbai for their livelihood make it a point to go their ancestral place , their “ village” at this time.Any true son or daughter of this soil will make it a point to visit their place. Coming to the local fare – the king of fruits – the Ratnagiri Alphonso mango ( though I am not very fond of it) is grown here and so are cashews and jackfruits. The people from Konkan are in fact likened to a jackfruit- hard from outside from soft from inside. I wouldn’t tend to disagree with this description. There are local products and delicacies too like the mango and jackfruit poli( pulp of these fruits sweetened , dried and rolled into thin sheets), kokam (  a local fruit and great if you want to lose a few kilos), kulith( again a local alternate grain), khwaja( local sweet made of gram flour and jaggery). Rice flour Bhakri(local  bread) and Pithale( gravy again made of gram flour) are the staple diet and so are rice and fish ( which you find in plenty due to the presence of the sea!). Efforts to find a “ so called  only vegetarian “ joint will not yield results where the Arabian sea rules the roost!

The Kokan region is slowly emerging as a big tourist destination .I just hope and pray  that this region and its places whether it is the more popular Ganapatipule or Tarkarli or whatever –retain their  pristine glory and do not lose their soul to gross commercialization. The rustic rawness is evident in all the places and it lends a unique charm to the entire region!

Coming back to our road trip..The wind in your hair ( that is if you switch off the car AC and roll down the window pane ) , the salty smell of the sea waters , numerous fishing boats , water buffaloes soaking in the creek , the sea waves playing touch and go with the shores , the blue clear sky above-this is my own private version of paradise :) You can stand on the hillock ,stop your car and literally soak in the spirit of the place .. Geography , history , time , space , mundane worries all just melt in this moment as you soak in this spirit or you become one with it.It stays .Comes with you even as you go back to your office desk , meetings , emails and discussions . This place - the place of my origin and I are one 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Shallowness of the mind
The hollow thinking
That is under
The garb of intellect
The senses are to be pleased
All materials pleasures welcome
And All reasons welcome
To justify all acts
Humanity, humaneness, values
All thrown without
Any sign of caution
The senselessness all pervading
To please the mind
But in this mindlessness
Does any thought exist?

Shallow II
Shallow minds
Hollow thoughts
Go together
And create a song of life
Without any rhythm
Without any lilt
That tries to pass
For a soft melody
But will it pass?

I am a giant WIP
The work happens daily
Sometimes known
And many times unknown
But work happens
What do it work
With what I work
And how do I work
All leads to the quality of the output
But the WIP sign continues


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...