Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Shallowness of the mind
The hollow thinking
That is under
The garb of intellect
The senses are to be pleased
All materials pleasures welcome
And All reasons welcome
To justify all acts
Humanity, humaneness, values
All thrown without
Any sign of caution
The senselessness all pervading
To please the mind
But in this mindlessness
Does any thought exist?

Shallow II
Shallow minds
Hollow thoughts
Go together
And create a song of life
Without any rhythm
Without any lilt
That tries to pass
For a soft melody
But will it pass?

I am a giant WIP
The work happens daily
Sometimes known
And many times unknown
But work happens
What do it work
With what I work
And how do I work
All leads to the quality of the output
But the WIP sign continues

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...