Monday, August 29, 2011

Fasts and more .. but fast please

So now that the period of fasting is over for Team Anna and also a lot of other people around India – the period of introspection begins as we have got a lot of food for thought . Did we really win as a democracy or such movements are possible only in a democracy ? The heartening thing is that the cause managed to awaken the urban middle class from the ennui that has set in .

I personally think that we need to take up the cause of the Mumbai infrastructure in a big way i.e. the Anna Hazare way if you may say . The flooding and perennial construction work has affected the commute , the general living standards . Then there are a host of issues related to infrastructure, certain amenities like playground etc - but no one really has taken up the cause in a focused way like the way it was done in nearby Thane and other places . We really need some help here !!

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