Thursday, September 29, 2011

The icons of the new economy…

A recent business trip last week took me to NOIDA – the busy NCR region could not escape my observations . There was lot of greenery around and it looked like a planner's delight . Then there were the obvious pictures of Sister Mayavati looking at you at every corner and reminding you that your support is necessary to make her the next Prime Minister of India .

NOIDA, Gurgaon are the new India – full of confidence , new jobs , new economy , plush cars etc . However one thing that struck the nostalgic streak in me – there are hardly any signs of old economy – no friendly neighborhood grocer shops , no vendors , no trace of any old fashioned type of selling . The Mall culture is all pervasive and people have taken to it like nobody's business . Under one roof you have it all – daily utilities, window shopping , food , entertainment etc .

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