Friday, January 12, 2018

Time Is Up
The time for inequality
Is fast ticking
The bomb can explode
The countdown has begun
With a vow here
And a pledge there
The gaps
In income
Recognition, fame
The gap in life itself
The glaring gap
Has become a crater
Now a time to blow it up all
And create a pristine garden
Out of this battlefield
between equality and inequality
but weren’t the battle bugles blown
a long time back???

(on Iceland taking a pledge to remove the income gender gap  & Oprah Winfrey’s  Golden Globe inspirational speech..)

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Evolve - As 2017 Speaks To 2018

Evolve I
Like a butterfly
I left the old
Thick protective covers
The river had to flow
The stifling blocks
That stopped the flow
Didn’t exist anymore
It required a nudge
A great push perhaps
But the flow has begun
The butterfly flits
With eagle wings
That were formed
With the push and nudge

 Evolve II
The petals bloomed
The flower blossomed
The dead leaves were blown
Away with the new winds
The change started
The change is on still
Of new blossoms
And new springs
Of the newness that comes
With each new day

Enjoy the tango
The fox trot
As the moves change
As the change itself happens
The new moves
The new steps
That you learnt
The hard way
Go ahead
Now do them
As if no one
Or even the whole world
 is watching you

live the change
don’t die
as it happens
enjoy the flow
sometimes you drown
take help
come out
and flow again
to reach the shores
and perhaps start
for new shores
with all that is required
to stay afloat
and enjoy the swim
and the travel
 thru all known and unknown shores

The  year that was
To soar
To drop the dead wood
To drag
To climb
Move  ahead
With a sprightly walk
To let go
To complete
And move on           
To start afresh
Many things
To continue
With a few
That’s the trail
That I left behind
In 2017
To start a new 2018

Two Roads

Two roads running along side each other .                                 The try to meet but don’t bother . The seem to meet and then depar...