Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Random and Unexpected Poems

The Caravan
Caravan of thoughts
 Some go ahead .
Some trail behind .
Some just get lost .
The travel continues .
The caravan moves ahead .
A destination here today .
 Some missed goals on the way !
 But the caravan had to march ahead
As the road was long and time short .
All inhibitions it did shed .
The journey of thoughts continued .
 It seemed like a game of cross and naught.
Even as some thoughts surged ahead
 And some like the waves got crushed on the shores of destiny or fate
The caravan moved and moved it couldn’t wait

The Path
The unexpected turns and passers by .
As life runs on the busy roads whether in cars or trucks .
The Narrow by lanes at times
 And at times the vast roads
All go into making this journey on the road of life

The misty evening .
Where the Shapes and sounds take form of the mist .
A hazy view of reality .
 As evening light changes into darkness .
The tree and road take the form of the frothy clouds in the winter mist .
Life strolls by
 Runs at times .
Oblivious of these changes
 But don’t they happen daily ?

Exchange of cards or of thoughts energies and views
. Of relations and ideas
 Of laying new foundations 
Of building new structures
 Of Sharing caring of building a community of humans
 that are bound by common strands of goals
common concerns and perhaps love and kindness

On Personal Growth.
Like a flower that blooms from
The seed to the bud .
The delicate processes and exquisite steps .
Carried out by Nature.
To touch the sky while it is rooted in the mud .
Even as the world goes on with its business .
There is some letting go
Perhaps some pain and some mess .
As the bumble bee drops by and the raindrops fall .
And no one has any say .
Yet the flower blooms as Nature is at work each day

Life throws lemons at you and you are supposed to make juice out of it . Is there any other option like a lemon tart ?

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