Saturday, December 22, 2018

Random and Unexpected Poems...

The Hope
The wild hopes that add zing to life 
The hope that brings goodness to an otherwise mundane moment of strife
 A glimmer of hope that strengthens faith in the face of any storm 
An understanding that belies any norm
A strong intuition that despite the storm 
The calm is very near
 Landing safely on the base of focus and integrity 
Is it a wonder then
That the Divine force that shines supreme 
Makes this hope an unexpected reality

Life As Traffic Light Analysis
 A play of red yellow and green
Many times seen and most times unseen
The red signal says simply stop now
Or a rough brake put to stop forever 
The green is for go or go elsewhere wherever
And yellow is reflect or reflect on nothing
Time cuts through this reality daily rather nicely
 Like a knife 
Even as the traffic signal stands
 Braving this strange play on the intersection called life

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