Thursday, August 25, 2011

So much for Team Anna !!

The Team Anna sojourn !!
So what is happening with the state of corruption in India or the corrupt State ? It is a simple yet difficult questions . Millions throng on the streets to express their solidarity. But will the Machiavellian moves suppress the honest and sincere attempts to shake a giant monster that has only flourished since years and years of " thought and mind enslavement "

Chennai snippet
One of the work related trips took me to the southern city of Chennai and what a change when dinner was served in the hotel on the roof top in a typical Dhaba kind of a setting !! More than the food it was the ambience which was delightful – with the live music , the lights and the general enthusiasm in the environment.

BTW – It is Hotel Pride at Kilapuk !!

State of Mumbai
The state of roads in Mumbai certainly calls for a certain amount of radical thinking and some fast work . Day by day the state of roads does not become the commercial capital status which the city has .The rains only add to the woes of the commuters . Of course there is metro rail work going on and there is general digging which has made Mumbai land surface similar to that of the Moon – if we may say so . But when will these craters pave the way for smooth roads . All other major cities – Hyderabad , Delhi have moved ahead with their wide and spanking new roads ,airports and general infrastructure !!

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