Sunday, May 27, 2007

Creative Ramblings

A beginner’s guide to the world
With so many beginner’s guides
Readily available everywhere
Where is the beginners guide to the world
Dealing with the nuts and bolts of the journey
Is there an instruction manual to construct and reconstruct life
In the two minute culture ?
Or is it a series of trials and experiments
That would take some years to
Understand and master the process and yield some results
Like a research lab…

The Quest
The quest for knowledge
Takes one through many hills and dales
Through a path
With many experiences and observations
Many interesting by-lanes intersect each other
To lead one to
The grand highway
Of a continuous quest

The multiple influences playing
An important part
To create the
With its multitudinous hues , sounds , tastes , feelings and thoughts
All carving a unique pathway for each traveler

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...