Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Character of the Taj

Character associated with the Taj Mahal is very peculiar -that is how someone described the beautiful monument the other day . A lot of people now are trying to organize an SMS and email campaign to get it listed as one of the wonders of the world officially !! That is a very good expression- a character associated with any place , person , situation .What is it ? I think it is the unique feature of that place , here a monument which probably sometimes is even beyond the physical characteristics . It is the personality that is knowingly or unknowingly formed by that place , person etc and etched in the minds of the significant others or even casual bystanders . In case we are talking about a person then the person can actually put in efforts to build that unique character …. It could be a unique skill, the overall behavior pattern , the indelible stamp that the person puts in every transaction . That is being done all the while .I think the earlier we understand it the better . And then what is the whole blogging movement all about? To create a blog with a character most probably ….

The character
Is the peculiar beauty
Associated with a person , place or object
Gives it a hue
Come light , darkness, dusk or dawn
The seasons fade and arrive
The particular character is retained
Like a Taj
Towering high
In the sun , rain , wind

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