Saturday, May 12, 2007

Creative Ramblings - May poems

The planned and unplanned
Thoughts that lead to the events
The events that are lesson are by themselves
Sow the seeds of future learnings
Big or small

On Life
The ebb and flow of life
The daily cycle of this touch and go
Sets in motion the circle of existence
Which encompasses in itself
Both life and death

What is sweet ?
The sweetness of the past
Makes the present bitter
But is this bitterness
Then reserved to be
The sweetness for the future

What is writing
But an expression
Of what is seen by the eye
And reflected by the mind
Sometimes not reflected
Just poured

Inspiration in unknown pockets
At the entrance of plush buildings
In verdant surroundings
In the passing day
The approaching night
It is there everywhere
Yet hidden many times from the discerning eye and the
Alert Mind …..

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...