Sunday, May 13, 2007

Creative Ramblings

Some Random Thoughts

The confusion that arises
Without any finite cause
To pursue
Or too many causes to pursue
At the same time
In a working day or
A non working life ….

The Web
The complex web of thoughts and feelings
Can entangle the dreamy mind
Can entangle the alert mind
The point is to detach from the web
And watch it weave itself
That leads to an understanding
Of the various strands

The need for expression
Of various interests
At various points of time
Requires various mediums …

On writing…
A lost habit
Is to be restored
How was it even a habit
If it was lost ..

The sea of emotions has many innumerable waves
Some touch the shores of expression
Some just die a natural death
Trying to express themselves ..

A vast ocean of humanity
Walking purposefully
From one end to another
Yet is the individual wave recognized
In this mass…..

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...