Monday, April 30, 2007

Peer Learning

I was just thinking about the importance of peer learning in my life and career . I realized that the quality of peer learning is definitely superior and the benefits far more greater than any other form of learning . We start studying in groups since the early stages of our life .Later on the focus moves to be more individualistic and then with higher education - depending on the type of education could vary from being individualistic to a more team based approach . However once formal education is over the importance of peer learning cannot be underemphasized . That is so because there is a limit to an individual's span of interest and depth of understanding . Sharing of views and ideas enables us to get different perspectives and comprehend even different sources of knowledge . On the actual work front it will help you arrive at alternative solutions to tackle a situation. It can offer you even plain old information required to execute a task well. Also peers working in a different setting ,a different industry or country can offer multiple view points on a particular situation . They would also help you to broaden your horizons and make you move out of your comfort zone . It goes without saying that one needs a set of like minded peers to make this possible . But we can find coworkers , old friends , even family members who can contribute to the shared learning process.

Then there is peer learning that happens through formal routes like seminars and conferences . These forums are as much a source of networking as much as they are a platform for learning and sharing .In times of change especially peer learning can help us hone our skills and acquire practical knowledge . In fact Generation Y or millenials as many call then are supposed to be a highly networked and collaborative generation . We might find it difficult to measure the tangible benefits of peer learning in our lives and in organizations- but it happens all the while . It is the individual prerogative to imbibe the influences and implement the learnings.

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...