Thursday, April 26, 2007

On starting a new blog ...

We have finally started the HR blog- that is a coblog written by my friend and me . It is called hrdialogues. The aim is to present our thoughts and views about the HR profession on a regular basis . HR is a vast domain and at the same time it is an emerging field . One of the chief concerns related to the field is that the body of knowledge is not codified and hence there are too many reference points .
But it is indeed a very good idea to chronicle our thoughts . This is so because even good ideas and thoughts which might have practical value have a huge potential to get lost in the day to day routine and rush .If one reads the book - God of Small Things one cannot but think of the day to day chronicling of events and habits that has gone in the making of the book. It is the individual interpretation and insight of the author that lends any book its characteristic USP , but at the same time there is a great amount of detailing that has gone into the making of a book , chronicle , or piece of art .
Let us see how our HR blog evolves . I am very excited by the idea and hope that we are able to maintain consistency in our writing .

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...