A different God
A different God for men and a difficult one for women .
The one for women needs lot of propitiation.
Probably they need a different God
As they live in their world their own Nation .
Men tread at times on difficult paths
They did look needy .
But had it easy many times .
Frankly it wasn't so heady .
With the help of many Gods .
The walk for women to win and propitiate is on .
Even as the Gaps and differences Continue and new ones are
born .
With these differing gods and difficult paths
Own up
The pain and embarrassment to be on your own .
To walk hand in hand
but at your own pace .
Here the seeds of dissent as they say are sown .
For A woman to own a space in her own mind and outside of it
Sounds so simple .
Yet doing it gnaws her bit by bit
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