Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Way... ward and Journey series

In transit
As the people come and go
So do the thoughts
Headed some where
But can land anywhere a times
Else most  of the times a safe landing is assured
The body in in transit’ but the mind could be static
Or vice versa
This journey indeed
Has many dimensions

A new place
A new view and new landscape
With new voices and words
Yet the theme of meeting and parting
Of meeting again
Discussing the different and same things continues
There is a new hue yet everytime
You step in this place
Which is then no more new

On Paris
A  quiet vibrancy
That underlies the
Silent activities
A life brimming with life
Seems same
Yet so different
The warmth
With a different hue and sophistication
The newness of the place continues to charm
The traveler  or one and all

Which is this way
Which I don’t know
That I  am on
As the thoughts take form of words
And later some insights
Capturing the multiple essences floating
All around 

Our Journey
The journey
Of exploring questions and answers
Is a long one at times
Short one depending on the
Nature of the questions posed to you or by you
Nevertheless the wheels are in motion
Moving fast at times
At times inching ahead
With a dreary slow pace
Yet covering an important ground
Even if you are not aware of it
The journey despite all variations
Still continues

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