Friday, June 23, 2017

Coherent Ramblings - Goal, Destiny...

The eager anticipation
In the quest for a goal
Or is it the process itself
Image result for journey
Of aiming for the goal
Where you have put your heart and soul
All focus and energies
Aiming for the goal
Who cares about the question
As long as the goal is met

Image result for human destiny

The force of destiny
Has lot of force
To define your life
To take it in a direction
Which you never thought of
Is it really??
You could still move with the force
Yet decide to swim with the flow
Against the tide at times
To begin with who knew to swim
Learnt swimming
In this force
And paved a new way
To create our own

Image result for MOTION

In Motion
The surprises that life throws
At you can be overwhelming
At times
At times to be taken in your stride
To pretend as if nothing has happened
As life has to move on
The wheel called time moves on
No one has time
To wait and moan for you
In the swirling merry go around
That never waits
Just moves on
Sometimes in routine motion
And then surprise movements
That cease to be a surprise after sometime 

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