Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Soaring Temperatures

The heat in Mumbai has reached an all time high and an all time low . High because the afternoon sun can get really scorching hot and low because it was definitely not so unbearable sometime back till the reckless concretisation happened. I shudder to think about the climatic conditions in the city say after a decade . Environmental issues are at best viewed with indifference as it does not affect day to day living directly . So one is really not bothered about global warming, rising pollution , lack of open spaces as these are not urgent or immediate issues . But the floods that happened in Mumbai in 2005 are a pointer to the fact that the changing landscape has caused untold damage in the long run . The creeks and other marshy areas are getting reclaimed at a rapid pace and the city is literally losing its lungs . But what worsens the situation is apathy. The not in my backyard syndrome is affecting most of the city residents . But it will not be very long till the vagaries of nature start affecting us immediately and directly .

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