Saturday, June 9, 2007

Parliamentary Behaviour

Arun Shourie has written a book on reforming the Indian Parliamentary proceedings . He has observed that the behavior in Parliament has deteriorated over a period of time . But isn’t a Parliament a reflection of society and the elected representatives of the people will be a sum total of what the society is currently ? Can it be different from the current social ethos ? But the question is how many people have actually voted them into power?
The author writes about the time when stalwarts like Pandit Nehru set a precedent by their exemplary behaviour in the Parliament . But do we have those visionaries in the Parliament anymore ?Is our society in need of leaders , those heros who are demi-gods ? Or the Parliament is no more a place where you can find leaders . Rather you would find them in everyday life . Real Leaders who shun the trappings of power in a Parliament kind of setting might be on the field in unexpected domains – in education , in non profit sector , in R &D labs , in the corporate world . Unfortunately not many have their efforts showcased on prime time television or in leading dailies . Hence they might even go unnoticed .

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