Saturday, June 9, 2007

On Shopping In Modern Times

In India we have just got used to shopping in supermarkets, malls etc . I am prodded to think that with the elegant layout and a huge spread before the potential shopper are we enticed into buying more than what we want at times ? Where were the hidden needs for carts and carts of knick knacks before these markets were created?( not that I have escaped untouched from this phenomenon !). Of course the markets are extremely convenient for the busy urban dweller as you get all requirements under one roof . There is a whole lot of work that goes behind the layout , design and other paraphernalia to woo the retail customer . And I think these retailers are doing a damn good job at that !

Parliamentary Behaviour

Arun Shourie has written a book on reforming the Indian Parliamentary proceedings . He has observed that the behavior in Parliament has deteriorated over a period of time . But isn’t a Parliament a reflection of society and the elected representatives of the people will be a sum total of what the society is currently ? Can it be different from the current social ethos ? But the question is how many people have actually voted them into power?
The author writes about the time when stalwarts like Pandit Nehru set a precedent by their exemplary behaviour in the Parliament . But do we have those visionaries in the Parliament anymore ?Is our society in need of leaders , those heros who are demi-gods ? Or the Parliament is no more a place where you can find leaders . Rather you would find them in everyday life . Real Leaders who shun the trappings of power in a Parliament kind of setting might be on the field in unexpected domains – in education , in non profit sector , in R &D labs , in the corporate world . Unfortunately not many have their efforts showcased on prime time television or in leading dailies . Hence they might even go unnoticed .

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Soaring Temperatures

The heat in Mumbai has reached an all time high and an all time low . High because the afternoon sun can get really scorching hot and low because it was definitely not so unbearable sometime back till the reckless concretisation happened. I shudder to think about the climatic conditions in the city say after a decade . Environmental issues are at best viewed with indifference as it does not affect day to day living directly . So one is really not bothered about global warming, rising pollution , lack of open spaces as these are not urgent or immediate issues . But the floods that happened in Mumbai in 2005 are a pointer to the fact that the changing landscape has caused untold damage in the long run . The creeks and other marshy areas are getting reclaimed at a rapid pace and the city is literally losing its lungs . But what worsens the situation is apathy. The not in my backyard syndrome is affecting most of the city residents . But it will not be very long till the vagaries of nature start affecting us immediately and directly .

Sunday, June 3, 2007

About Institutes and Intellectual Orientation

The other day we were discussing about intellectual orientation making a difference at the workplace..Or does it not make any difference ? The geek at the workplace is a well known phenomenon but what about people with a not so great intellectual orientation stuck up in an environment where knowledge is one of the key raw material for the organizational building blocks . I think this person stands out like a sore thumb , a fish out of water . We debate if the academic institute would make a difference in selecting a person for a role that demands great intellectual rigour and analytical depth . May be after a few years it does not matter in specific cases . But why does institute matter ? Has it got to do with the early choices in life ? Is it the person’s innate disposition which is unalterable – only a specific type would get into a particular academic institute and only that finished product would be eligible for a role in certain organizations . Anyone else in that role will be a fish out of water …

The Commercial Hubs in Mumbai

The commercial hubs in Mumbai have changed . In the past it was only Nariman Point then came Bandra Kurla Complex and Mindspace . The commercial areas have now reached the heart of the suburbs . But methinks the infrastructure has not kept pace with this rapid development . There are lot of new companies that have started and lot of existing companies are expanding but the state of roads, public transport and other utility services remain far from satisfactory . Most importantly one does not see any concerted efforts to develop the necessary infrastructure .There are plush offices catering not only to the Indian economy but probably to all the economies of the world but the area around those offices reminds you that you are stuck up in what is called a ‘third world nation’. This again takes one to the fact that there is a divide between the so called upper middle or rich class who are getting richer and then there is a section who is struggling to make ends meet as they do not have the skills to compete in the growing economy .All this according to me smacks of lopsided growth in the long term and can lead to unpleasant conditions on the socio economic , environmental and political front in times to come .


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...