Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

Darkness and Light series

Darkness and light
The light was always there
Darkness has just covered
The brightness
The dark rays
Covered the light
Giving an illusion
That light is over
It took
Time and patience
And perhaps an eternal hope
To unearth the hidden light

On change and changing
At times
I even befriend the darkness
Knowing well
The light
Lies hidden
In the arms of darkness

Time’s up
The time to show raw power
To weaken our resolve
To reduce us
To just Figurines of our physical self
To put us in pigeon holes
In fact to create those round and square holes
For different sizes
Is really up
To put us through
Lot of ordeal
Seen and Unseen
For fruits
That are commonplace and ordinary
Yet seem extraordinary for us
That time now will be far behind
As the timekeepers and clocks have changed

Darkness and Light series

The Eclipse
 The daily eclipse that shadows the light .
 It darkens all that is bright .
The eclipse of ignorance and hate .
 Of anger and vices .
That eclipse of the mind .
Robs humanity from humankind .
These eclipses are a mere play .
Of shadows that have no substance
yet keep substance at bay .
The sun always shines bright in that time and space .
Where the light of knowledge and positivity is ahead in the race .
For any kind of eclipse is there any room ?
Where the light of kindness and bliss sparkles in full zoom

(inspired by the recent eclipse on 27th July 2018.. but is an eclipse really  so rare ??)

Friday, July 13, 2018

A different God

A different God for men and a difficult one for women .
The one for women needs lot of propitiation.
Probably they need a different God
As they live in their world their own Nation .
Men tread at times on difficult paths
They did look needy .
But had it easy many times .
Frankly it wasn't so heady .
With the help of many Gods .
The walk for women to win and propitiate is on .
Even as the Gaps and differences Continue and new ones are born .
With these differing gods and difficult paths

 Own up
The pain and embarrassment to be on your own .
 To walk hand in hand but at your own pace .
Here the seeds of dissent as they say are sown .
For A woman to own a space in her own mind and outside of it .
Sounds so simple .
Yet doing it gnaws her  bit by bit


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...