Monday, December 18, 2017

Coherent thoughts on Incoherent Situations ..or Vice Versa

A Few Thoughts

Delete the memories forever
From your hard disk
That are not required
At least try
Learn from them
And discard
Minimal recycling here
But yes wait
Some you keep afloat
Forever or at least for a while
The ones that drive you
Bring a smile

On Ten years(on comleting ten years in an organization)
Clocked  10 years
Of time
Or is it a celebration of time
 That flew, walked, limped slowly
Of few deaths
Of new lives
Of bare survival at times
Of hands that helped
With kind hearts and sharp minds
A  time of new learnings and insights
The essence of a decade
In these few lines!!

A light take on  Indian parenting(based on an airlines announcement )
Take care of your children and personal belongings
So goes an airline announcement
So are children too your personal belongings
Or do they have a personality of their own
Minus their parents
Or do they cling like baggage to their parents
Till the end of the journey

Hues of Life
To climb
To fall
To swing
To hide
To shine
To go underground
To rise
To walk
To run
To fly
The hues
Like the changing days

On office politics
part one
Who is an ally
Who is a friend
Who is a Brutus
Who is what % of an ally
Who is what kind of friend
Friends forever or situational
Laughter with a hiss
Or a loud ringing kind of laughter
The games change
The rules change
Only interests stay permanent forever

Part two
Do I want to be part ally
Part friend
Sometimes Brutus
And then normal
Holding a turbulent storm within
And yet go around with a serene face

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...