Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Renaisance of Wonder-Books on Films and Satyajit Ray

The Renaissance of Wonder: On the 62 nd anniversary of Pather Panchali and 60th one of the Apu Trilogy.. I read a few  books written by  both the Master himself and a few others

When you are a  Satyajit Ray fan you just don’t stop at watching his films and documentaries .You want to know both – what went behind making these unique films in India and what was going on in the Master’s mind too..

This piece of information is interesting ( from the book, The Master and I) –Satyajit Ray actually mentioned that he took to films as he realized after visiting the historical Ajanta , Ellora sites that all art forms had reached their peak in India and hence he should take up something which was new and untapped .. Now how many would think like this about their profession or vocation!As they say some are really born great to even think on these lines..

My reading list of the past three months…rather randomly chosen
1.       14 Stories that Inspired Ray- as the title suggests these are stories that inspired Ray’s films from writers as diverse as Rabindranath Tagore(mainly), Munshi Premchand, Ray himself .A very compelling collection translated by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay

2.       Ray’s Biography by Mary Setton which is a detailed chronicle of this illustrious icon’s life and even traces his family lineage

1.       The Master and I-Soumitro Chatterjee’s has written it straight from the heart and describes his experiences and learnings through  his long association with Ray

4.       Speaking of Films- Ray describes in his inimitable style about the language of films and what inspired him to take to films

5.       Then there’s Nemai Ghosh book titled-Manik Da, Memories of Satyjit Ray.Nemai Ghosh was Ray’s photographer extraordinaire

6.       The most endearing one is The Pather Panchali Sketchbook which has Ray’s sketches of all the sets of Pather Panchali.As we all know he was an excellent artist and would sketch his scenes before hand .. talk of a Director’s vision!!

Mentioning a few books here which I read long time back and am sure all Ray films would have either read them or would like to read them (all written by Satyajit Ray except for one)
1.       Deep Focus - It is about how films have evolved  as an art form and the craft of film making.

2.       My Years with Apu- details  the Apu trilogy replete with nice pictures from all the three films

3.       Our Films, Their Films (I don’t know how many times I have read this book)– where Ray again speaks  as the title suggests about the evolution of films in the Western part of the world & how they have impacted Indian cinema; somewhat unique features of Indian films etc

4.       Cinema of Satyajit Ray by Chidananda Das Gupta(Aparna Sen’s father)-I found this to be one of the most compelling books so far on Ray’s films,but can’t get a copy now..

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