Wednesday, March 28, 2012

International Women's Day (IWD )

International Women's Day (IWD )was celebrated on March 8th and it marked the 102nd anniversary of IWD worldwide . In our office though and in most other offices we celebrated it on 7th March as 8th was a public holiday .India and especially Maharashtra has a long legacy of pioneering women – namely Savitribai Phule , Ramabai Ranande , Lakshmibai Tilak etc . But how have fared in these 102 years – here's a small poem to mark that occasion :
On 101 years of International Women's Day and 125 years of Savitribai Phule's birth

It is 125 years and the struggle is still on
The walk that started
Is still on
Reached some milestones but the goals kept on stretching
Some fellow travelers helped
During the rough patches
Some didn't
In the heady whirlpools and uninvited hurricanes
The walk just got longer

Though in our office we used a generous sprinkling of Maya Angelou-Phenomenal Woman and Subhadra Kumari Chauhan – her famous Rani Jhansi poem
The spirit of IWD continues ....

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