Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” —Viktor Frankl. The strong creeper. The creeper chose to grow on the wall . Come rain sun or fall. On the old Castle wall it stood tall. It blossomed and had a ball. Holding on strong when we thought it was frail. Here on the wall it had found its holy grail ( inspired by seeing a frail creeper grow strong on an old Castle wall in Baden)
Irregular snapshots of my thoughts , daily events and new ideas....
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Two Roads
Two roads running along side each other . The try to meet but don’t bother . The seem to meet and then depart . Running along side each other forever . Though to the outside world they seem all shiny and clever. The rough patches,the crumbling blocks and fine cracks . All seem smooth . but only from a distance and there is some old sooth. The roads just travel daily . As if lying there by habit they have nothing to do. Stuck to the habit of running along with each other like a glue
Ganga series
It’s in moments of solitude and reflection that you can actually make sense of the busyness of life and find some patterns in it ( if at all ). The Ganga is it a river or an experience. A feeling or concrete reality. The river flows daily since ages. Yet leaves thoughts and reflections at all stages . To ponder over even when the water has actually flown And the seeds of a new reality are sown
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...
The most effective way to do it, is to do it. – Amelia Earhart It is the end of the Navratri festival today in India- nine days ...
The commercial hubs in Mumbai have changed . In the past it was only Nariman Point then came Bandra Kurla Complex and Mindspace . The commer...
So now that the period of fasting is over for Team Anna and also a lot of other people around India – the period of introspection begins as ...