Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Holi and More.....


Everyday Holi

I gaze at my thoughts

And I wonder

The shades and colors

In which I play


Its holi -the festival of colors everyday for me



I see through the frosted glass

Of my myopic vision

And I only see the stationery bus parked

On the street nonchalantly

I don’t see the vast expanse of the busy road

That is lying still in the heart of the night

Only to wake to the hustle and bustle of the busy morn



The loss and fear

The hope and trust

All part of the game

To live and die

To win and lose

To go with the everyday flow



I stumbled upon my thoughts

My dark thoughts

The inner recesses of the mind

Still covered in sooth

Of the embers burning from the past

The sooth is well entrenched

Only the gush of purity

From the tears and toil

Will wipe away this sooth forever



The twitching of  feelings

In the mind’s eye

The gush of uncontrollable emotions

Intense and somber

Like the twitching of the eye

Can happen anytime

The flood is overwhelming

Sending a pain in the heart

Numbness in the mind

Stiffness in the body

And causing death of  the soul




The crowd of thoughts

The crazy feelings

The mechanical actions

Devoid of the natural sounds and senses

The buzz of the vehicles

The clamour of voices

Like a thoughtless babble

All adding to the crowd outside

And crowd in the mind






Parts of Me


A Part of Me

A part of me breaks daily

To be mended again

Some parts remain that way

To be mended some other day

Or perhaps stay like that forever

This breaking and mending journey is endless

As old as time and life itself

You could make it  a piece of art or a fine mess



The futility of efforts

When the circle of toil

Seems endless

The sudden splurge of activities

The grime , the sweat and dirt

And no horizon on sight anywhere

The game between the attainable horizon and the shifting sands of time


Till the grime and toil meet with these very sands

And create a beautiful pearl

Or the perfect sunrise on the horizon

So toil you must though worry and fret

May be your inconstant companions



Life Battle

The intense soul searching

The positive shift

The draining out of all weeds and unwanted thoughts

Does take a toll

On the mind , body , soul

But continue you must

Even as the clarion call for the life battle is on

To breathe , smile and have some fun

In between the quivers and cannons



Perspectives change

As situations change

With the ticking of Time

Fortunes , success and meaning

All acquire different hues

Where the newness merges with the old

The old becomes new

And Time just ticks away quietly

Dream Poems



It’s a dream

That falls

As you sleep

Like a tear drop

Very casual and unplanned

Hints at the possibilities

That were and could be!!


On Life

The casual fling

That is life

Or the lingering romance

With life

That is life

The ups and downs

The highs and lows

All indicating that the relationship

Whether it is fleeting or permanent

Is what you decide

Is still on


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...