Sunday, November 29, 2020

Marching ahead



To leave the old behind

Bundled with memories

Sweet and sour

Some bitter

And some easily forgettable

To leave all this behind

And travel ahead

Much lighter and fresher

To take the day as it comes

Even when the plan is there

To walk with a sprightly feeling

With a song on the lips

And a lightness in the heart

As the heavy baggage of the past is all left behind

Immersed in the quicksands of history


The threads that bind

And the threads that entangle

Look so similar

That one is entangled forever

In the mind

To separate the wheat from the chaff


Charcoals are diamonds in waiting

The heat the grime

The cold and the mire

All go to ensure

The mighty change

As the charcoal transforms itself

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Meeting ....



A meeting with self

And was surprised to meet the person

That was waiting to meet me

Since ages I guess



Deep reflection

In still water

Gave a clear picture

Of what was hidden behind the face



The numbness of feeling

Of thought

Like a sedative working

On mind ,body, soul

Life itself is that sedative

Blowing a big hole

Thwarting life

At times though


Pandemic Poems


A war inside

A war outside

The thousand implosions

And explosions

That are part of life

Even as life goes on

With the daily breathing , eating

And all mundane tasks that we call life

Or is it a strife



The Pandemics

It is a pandemic for the time being

Huge in size

And on the rise

But for the  unfought and unseen daily pandemics

The pandemic of being inhuman under the guise of being human

The pandemic of deceit, inequality and hurt

The pandemic of opportunism and bigotry

Of divides and barriers

Of a dying humanity dying due to multiple pandemics at the same time

The earth in its spinning it seems has lost it balance and rhyme


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Some Random Poems ....

Corporate World
Mostly the corporate honchos die unsung .
 In The long flights and fights . 
The rug pulling and nitpicking , the clamour for power
 even as the powers to be change like the changing season . 
The race towards the chair probably made you unfit . 
But you ran leaving aside friends family and interests .
 Racing with foes and friends  .
 Taking pride in every stride . 
At the end with broken knees and an even broken spirit 
Did reach the chair which didn't look so great up and close . 
Distant hills look green as they say

Soul power 
Sometimes the body gives up .it is battered bruised and torn . 
can't bear .
The mind loses it strength. 
Due to wear and tear . 
But it is the spirit that drives .
That fuels life . 
Allows the body to get up  and rise . 
Gives power to the mind . 
Perhaps makes it more wise . 
It's the inner strength the soul power that gives life a new turn.
When you thought everything arrived at a stand still .
Where the mind body fail and fall .
Soul power rises and takes a call ..
A desire to get up an unparalleled will . 
Comes from the recesses of your soul .
Teaches you self help and to reach your lost goal

 Trust in self before you trust others 
 have faith in the inner drive And compass . 
That drives the daily life . 
This trust takes you above the routine strife and gives power to the soul . 
The struggle seems easy . 
Even as you reach your goal  . 
Trust builds self and with that a new self is born .
The play between the shore and the waves since eternity is on

 Re look reality
 To re-examine life .
To look at the same reality thru a different lens and angle .
This will indeed disentangle .
A lot of truths hidden in the mess .
What seemed like a lost cause .
It was any body’s guess .
Now seems to be a win in progress .
God bless 



Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...