10 Haiku Type Poems on a Rainy Day ..
Nature and Humans
The nature of humans
Can be inhuman
Though Nature
Can never be unnatural

Mumbai Traffic and
Its pouring puddles and potholes
The roads are full
Of myriad hopes, desires and wishes
All waiting to reach home…
The changing fortunes
Just like the ticking clock
Movement is the name of the game
A glue that binds
All the thoughts, emotions and feelings
A strong thread that creates a tapestry
A tough mind…
To balance everything
To decide what to hold
Is the balancing act
Called life
Sweet Sorrow
Sweet sorrow woke you up from your slumber
Moved you to a new zone
Of trials, errors and experiences
And yes reflections and wins!
Re Discover
To re-discover life and love
To understand it all again
To see the Light afresh
The dark glasses were the only barrier!!
That’s what life is meant for
To walk , run explore
To fall and get up
Being in the present and move to the future
EXPLORE with all letters in capital
That is what life is
To find new paths
And move ahead in grace and style
When the student is ready
The teacher arrives
If the teacher fails to arrive
The ready student
becomes the teacher