Tuesday, February 26, 2019


The chance that is life
Almost once in a lifetime
The hope that is life
The careless mystery
That unfolds with each passing day
The life of passion and zeal
That builds like a crescendo
Built on the foundation
Of toil and faith
Of a certain care and aim

Crystal Clear
Mystery unfolds
In mysterious ways
The vague stories
That make a crystal clear life

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Emergency Ward

Emergency Ward
Is there an emergency  ward for the soul
When it is in tatters with  a big hole
Or for the heart and mind
When it ceases to be kind
All for their recovery under distress
For the body they are aplenty to recover from the mess
In all our grand creations such wards and units were overlooked
If they existed they would indeed be always booked !!

Image result for EMERGENCY WARD

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Let Go series

Let go
Let go
The past
And all burdens
The thoughts and actions
That created the weight
To drop off the load
And move on
Lighter and brighter

The heavy thoughts
Weigh on you
Take a toll
To lighten them
To remove the unwanted baggage
As you ring in the new
Remove the old

Fitness regime
A fitness regime
For the thoughts and mind
To tone and exercise
To remove the flab
And move on
With less weight and more sprightly walk

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Image result for sunrise
The red and orange dot that is Sun .
 Diminishes with the advent of dusk .
That’s what the Earth thinks .
But the red orange dot thought of the Earth
 As just one of the many minute dark specs strewn in the universe :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Mind Roads

Mind Roads
The roads of the mind
Change and get formed
As per the mind movements
The roads  and valleys
Straight at times
And many times the  hair pin bends
The winding paths
The highway like expanse
Despite the rough terrain around you
The dark tunnels
The light at the end of the tunnel
Many varieties and shapes
These roads of the mind

Image result for roads of the mind

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Burnt Bricks By The River

I am a brick
I am a burnt brick stack standing by the river .
Taking the sun rays and the fires burning outside
 And getting drenched in all the waters .
Muddy or clear .
Stale, stagnant or flowing .
 I am the brick kiln, the sun and the waters .
All combined in one

Monday, February 11, 2019

Chance Perchance

Chance Perchance
The chance meetings
Crisscrossed paths
Get merged
A shot of luck
Some fluke
That makes the chance
Meetings happen
A turn of events
That unfolds naturally
To create a design
Called life
Some free hand and some
Well thought of
Portraiture or caricatures

Image result for chance perchance icon

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Stretcher for the Soul and Mind

A Stretcher for the Soul and Mind
There is a stretcher
To cart the dead body
A hearse to carry it
So that it meets it logical end
What for the multitudinous  of dead souls and minds
Lying everywhere
Amongst the live bodies
Multiple holocausts everywhere
Multiple holocaust survivors
On a daily basis
Where are the stretchers and hearses for them?
These dead souls and minds
They lie unattended and uncared for
In a fragmented world
Naturally dying or actually dead
Just carrying a live body along with it

Negative thoughts
Negative ideas
Their genesis
Their motives
Power money pride and happiness
Evil becomes both a cause and reason

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Business of Life

The Business of Life
Isn’t it weird
This business
Called life
It’s the seeds
Of the past
That have bloomed
You didn’t know
The way the trees
Would grow
Now with the rain and sun
The fall and cold
You have to nurture them
Pare them
At times
At times water
So that they grow and flourish
Its hard work
At the end of the day
But nothing came easy
In life
Especially the fruits of success


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...