Thursday, November 14, 2019

Random Poems....

What is the oxygen for the mind

What is the oxygen for the body

When there is so much oxygen in the air

There are so many types of oxygen

It comes in many forms

Fresh air in the garden

A nice walk, a good book

Meeting a friend over a nice cup of tea

Its on the individual

To create a new oxygen

With the passage of a time

Suitable for you

Suitable for the environment

That helps you to breathe freely

Even if there is so much stifling and pushing around

Create your own space

Your own oxygen


Time has stopped

Or have we stopped

To measure time aimlessly

As it passes by

Time does its duty

You are doing yours

Of walking with time

Running with it at times

And then just gazing

Measuring it

As it slips away

Almost aimlessly

To reach a destination

Sometimes to just

Pass thru the winding ways

The lush green valley

The mountain and forests

Time comes to a standstill

Even as it passes by

Moment by moment

Burn and the Bite

Burn and the Bite
The Twitching of the heart .
The intense pain almost like a shriek
Caused by an unexpected burn or bite
 Nothing seems right
The whining and pining
And yet words falter as the mind isn’t ready
 When the heart is
That’s the strife
 The heart is bitten badly
And only burns in the flames of love and life

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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Small Time Reflections on Time, Fate and Change ...

Reflections on Time, Fate and Change ...

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We are all imprisoned by time
But we create our own prisons here
And  seem to be having the key too
So when do we all break free

Absurd fate
Driven by grandfather Time
Since eternity
The tick tock movement continues

The captured bird
Too yearns for freedom that Nature offers
But born in captivity
Even that freedom is alien for us urban dwellers

Time moves on
So does the situation
And even life
Then why should you be stuck up when everything is moving

Day changes into night & vice versa
So why fret when things will change
Efforts and patience is the
Key to making this change your friend !!

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

10 Haiku Type Poems on a Rainy Day ..Life on the Run....

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10 Haiku Type Poems on a Rainy Day ..

Nature and Humans
The nature of humans
Can be inhuman
Though Nature
Can never be unnatural

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Mumbai Traffic and Rains
Its pouring puddles and potholes
The roads are full
Of myriad hopes, desires and wishes
All waiting to reach home…

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The changing fortunes
Just like the ticking clock
Movement is the name of the game

A glue that binds
All the thoughts, emotions and feelings
A strong thread that creates a tapestry
A tough mind…

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To balance everything
To decide what to hold
Is the balancing act
Called life

Sweet Sorrow
Sweet sorrow woke you up from your slumber
Moved you to a new zone
Of trials, errors and experiences
And yes reflections and wins!

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Re Discover
To re-discover life and love
To understand it all again
To see the Light afresh
The dark glasses were the only barrier!!

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That’s what life is meant for
To walk , run explore
To fall and get up
Being in the present and move to the future

EXPLORE with all letters in capital
That is what life is
To find new paths
And move ahead in grace and style

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When the student is ready 
The teacher arrives
If the teacher fails to arrive
The  ready student becomes the teacher


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...