Friday, October 27, 2017

My Impressions -- The 18th Jio Mumbai Film festival @ PVR Andheri Infinity and Citi Mall on 18th October...

Celebrated my birthday @ Jio Mumbai Film festival @ PVR Andheri Infinity and Citi Mall ( as couldn’t find any other day to visit the festival) last week

A very catchy title caught my friend Asmita Sen's fancy and we went to watch the Zambian film –I Am Not A Witch.. by writer –director Rungano Nyoni. The film is a very poignant tale of a young girl who “agrees” to declare herself as a witch based on allegations and superstitions. I am not a Witch has got lot of praise from audience and critics at Cannes 2017 and is the director’s first film. There is an element of surrealism along with stark reality woven in the film. The young witch- christened as Shula has to go with a spindle and ribbon tied to her forever in her new home- the witch commune. As you can imagine she can go only as far as the ribbon can take her.. This is the way all witches are treated in the commune so that they lived a tethered existence and can be monitored. Shula chooses this life as the other option is that she could have converted into (surprise, surprise)- a goat!!

The film takes you thru Shula’s journey from a young child found in the village to the commune where she along with the other witches become frightful objects of veneration and even display to tourists so some easy money can be made-almost as if they were zoo animals. The scenes are fraught with customs and superstitions that are meant to make our young protagonist look supernatural.. At another level the ribbon and spindle that chases her, ties her reminds us of life and its numerous bondages &challenges that hold us back.It also make us think if we have the courage to overcome them else they stay as ribbons and spindles holding us back not allowing us to blossom. But that’s a choice we have to make, isn’t it?

You can watch the film trailer here

Another film which caught Asmita Sen’s  fancy was the Sicilian Ghost another heart wrenching story of the coming of age of 2 children in an Italian village and the Mafioso in the background..
So ended a day filled with witches and ghosts—almost made me think of Halloween.. rather than birthday.. But excellent cinema and indeed some splendid work of art.. three cheers to Asmita for her enthusiasm and to the Jio Mami Mumbai film festival for bringing  great cinema in our lives..

At the Mami Filn Festival on 18th Oct, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Coherent Rambling Series-Inspiration, Flow etc...

Coherent Rambling Series

Seeking inspiration
Inside and outside
In  your heart, mind and soul
So that the plan for tomorrow
Can be drawn nicely
With patience, planning, charm and love
Looking at it outside
For fresh views, ideas and insights
Examples that motivate and drive
That’s inspiration for you
Both inside and out
To look at the sameness
With different lenses
To find new meanings and new vision
In the scripting and directing
Of this movie reel of life

God’s selfie

It’s a selfie
Clicked by God
To showcase his vanity
Look at this wonderful creation
The thunder storm and lightning
The view is indeed unparalleled
(on unexpected thunder and lightning)

The flow of life
Is after all a flow
We don’t where the
Flow will take you
But you can change the course
Add a new path
After all what were embankments and dams made for?

It’s a sculpture
The chiseling and shaping
Is what gives a finite form
To a mass of clay and mud
Persistent efforts by the sculptor
To get the desired form , color and grace
The efforts, thought and drive
The heart’s desires
The soul’s longing
Inner turmoil, zeal and thought cyclones
All intermingle to create this sculpture
Called life…

Loss and gain
A loss
A failure
A lost cause
All part of the journey
To succeed
To achieve
To soar even higher

As single minded focus
A plan
A desire to follow it
Thru and thru
A sharp eye on the objective
That’s the fuel
That drives you
Day and night
A calm mind
Despite the passionate activity
The focus only grows
Day by day
With the passage of time
New ways and new solutions Emerge
To complete the goal
Achieve the unthinkable
Which only the focus could bring

Here and now
Here it is and now it is gone
This the play of life
Inspired now
Down tomorrow
Helping hands
And bitter tongues
Sweet and sour memories
Are intertwined on this path
A good laugh hearty one
Followed by a howl, a cry
That’s the play
Of day and night
Of daily life
To emerge out of this play
To accomplish something
Beyond the rules of this play and game
Seems to be the driving force
For every new creation
For every great accomplishment

A piece of sky
My piece of nature
Captured from the framed and caged window
Behind the eager eyes
 caught between
The frame and the bird nets
So much a part of the urban life
Where there are nets and grills
Where will the freedom come from
The freedom to be in the midst of nature
Is nature itself free here
Caught between the high rise, the skyrise
Which aim to even capture the sky
Here I am
Trying to get my piece of sky
My part of greenery
My favorite part of nature
Captured in this camera
Which itself is a modern day wonder
A camera that speaks, thinks and directs
But does it feel..
Does it know the pangs
Associated with a piece of sky that has been forever hidden by the high rise towers
Does it yearn to see the starlit sky at night
Does it know how the flower blooms
Does it feel like breathing in the fresh air from nature
Does it yearn for its piece of sky ?

It’s time to change
It’s time to discard the old
We have heard it many times
But there couldn’t be a better time for it
And the time is now
Move from the survival of the fittest mode
To the survival of the wisest mode
How do you gain wisdom
Can you measure it day by day
Hour by hour
Moment by moment
Know when an insights happens
How does a perspective get formed
How does a thought emerge
Do you learn to watch this process
These patterns unfold
Or do you entangle yourself
In the being fit game
Not knowing where
Your mind is
Along with the soul and body
To be in the whirlwind of the being fit game
Of playing it at times
As you knew no other game
But when the time come
To switch
It’s indeed a game
Yet again
But a game of the mind
Of thoughts, ideas, insights
Of learning  the new
Discarding well both new and old
And re-emerging everyday
Like a water bubble
And yet going
With the flow of time
Of pausing to witness this flow
At times
And getting an idea
Of that unknown facet
How does a thought emerge
How does a perspective get formed
To think and feel
At times think
At times feel
To dive deep
Into the chosen area
Or just fleet thru several
But it’s is a continuous process
Think, feel, learn, unlearn
Change and grow
Move from being just being fit
To being wise
It’s indeed a difficult terrain
To walk on
With no elevators and speeding cars
Only the dusty roads and hilly walks
Where not vehicle goes
Other than the YOU
It is a long journey
To freedom
From trying to be fit
To learning to be wise
From being just fit  at one go
And then lo and behold
Suddenly wise


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...