Thursday, August 17, 2017

Coherent Ramblings Series Poems

The mind flows
Flows endlessly
It’s the rational thought
And contemplation
That will regulate the flow
Act as relevant barriers                                     
In this endless flow and chatter
Else the flow will become a deluge
And take over every aspect
Of life…
Submerging all life essentials
In this unlikely deluge
And with little left to rescue
So the wheels
Of thought and contemplation
Give a momentum
A direction
To this flow

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The moment is wonderful
Yet did I realize the wonder
And  kept on waiting
For another wonderful moment
Rather than living in the present
Painting a picture of
A rosy future
And spoiling  a perfect
Present moment..

The moments keep
Passing by
And I keep on waiting
To catch the moment
That I aspired for
When time itself
Slipped by
In this wait
For that desired time
In my favorite space..

 The moment of grace
It’s the moment
When everything falls in place
When the thoughts meet action
And proceed with a lot of aplomb
Knowing where they need to go
They reach the destination
And there is a grace in the sprightly walk
A smile on the face
And a whistle on the lips
As everything falls in place
Easily and effortlessly

Unexpected catches
And unexpected misses
This is what the
Flow of life
 all about
To prepare for these catches and misses
Is what this living all about??

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Friday, August 4, 2017

Some tips to survive in the corporate world(learnt through the hard way)
You are not supposed to hold strong views
Present the views in a mild marketable way
Else you will not be accepted; considered ahead of your time
Or worst considered to be an eccentric and not paid enough attention
This tale is old and classic from the time of Galileo
To the current thought leaders and revolutionaries who want to bring about a positive change
But anything negative can have strong followership
And anything new and positive such strong opposition
Such is the way of the world since time eternal

 On Meetings
When you are in an important meeting
Time seems to stand still and leaders behave as if they are immortal
There is no sense of time or character
Everything hovers around the great sun called a big corporate meeting
Presided by the God of the event

A curse of intelligence
That it does not accept
And is hurt by mediocrity
As the mediocre blows
Come un announced
And are mostly inauthentic 

The shallow waters
Of society
Are mud puddles
The minds
 trying to gain
Knowledge and grow
In the nurturing
Environs of the society
And knowledge factories
That are supposed to
Lead to wise minds and thoughtful actions
Instead what we have got
Once immersed in this puddle
Are muddled minds and brazen actions

Lone bird
And the lone bird
Flapping its wings
In the rain
Whether it reaches
A Safe spot soon
We don’t know
But flutter it must
To reach wherever
It wants to go

The spirit
The indomitable  spirit
Is almost like
The wet sand
In the rain
It can get washed away
But will take some form
Or like water itself
May evaporate
May  wither
But will take some from
Either in the clouds, in the rivers
In the sea, in the pond
Or in the raindrop itself

Lost cause found
A new hope
Always arises
From a lost cause
Or a crushed aspiration
But rise it must else
Where will
The remnants of
The aspiration go
They have to form
The basis of a new goal
Or the next victory

On raindrops
Raindrops falling
Don’t know
Where they begin
Or where they end
Just fall anywhere
Don’t know their destiny
But do the work
They are meant to do
That’s what we do
Most of the times
Leading the life
Of a raindrop
With or without
Our willingness
With or without
Full knowledge

The night falls
And the night falls
Bringing with it
The memories of the day gone by
And the days gone by
What is to be remembered
What is to be taken ahead
Is your choice
Else let it just fade away
In the darkness of the night


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...