Momentous life
Momentous life
Which takes you up and
Throws you down
Rather unceremoniously
The bitter sweet experiences
Of life
The aim is to remember the sweet ones
And throw the bitter
Forever in the dark corners of
So dark that it is effaced forever by time
And all memories put together
I get it out of me
My goals
My wishes and ambitions
Big and small
Where did they go
In the daily routine
Of getting up
Meeting deadlines
Setting new ones
Meeting people
Meeting myself
Just meeting ends meet
How did they leave this mindspace
These ambitions
Its time to gather them
And choose the ones that
I like
The ones that give me
Energy, life
The ones that make life
To take new strides
Seek a new direction
That’s what these goals
Are all about
Lets get up
Time is running fast
Agony of Life
The agony of life
Which keeps on stretching
Like a rubberband
But that rubber band too breaks
This agony too has to break
A new beginning
Has to happen
With joy and success
Where there is balance and mirth
A new dawn
Where there is no stretch
A new equilibrium
Which leads
To a new start
New pathways
As I choose to end
The old ways
Close the door to the
Rundown house
Which is not worth living anymore
A new beginning is
About to begin