Friday, February 13, 2015

Some more musings.. Attitude series

Before the Dawn
Just before the dawn
Is the darkest hour
To withstand
That hour
Is the real test
That hour may seem like eons
And just when you thought you
Had lost all hope
The first rays were out
Shining brightly

With a rare warmth ..

A phenomenon that happens
After intense wavering
Of the mind
In directions which
Seemed important
Yet not so important
Now as compared to the
Coming together
Of this phenomenon
Where all the energies
Are concentrated one at a time
To accomplish what is possible now
And yet seemed impossible sometime back

Positive outlook
A mind
Which looks at all questions
And then the fooling around stops
As the next step is towards the answers
Wading through all kinds of situations
To arrive at solutions
Which may be whole or partial
A bright shining light
Or a glimmer of hope
Despite the questions
Whatever the solution type
The probing and striving continues

Thursday, February 5, 2015

An Honest Q

An Honest Q
The innocence of childhood
And the idealism of youth
The experience of growing up
Where all three carried forward
In the journey
Called Life
Then was ever  Innocence +Idealism +Experience = Life ??**

**PS- Especially if you decided to walk the sterile corridors of the corporate world


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...