Friday, February 13, 2015

Some more musings.. Attitude series

Before the Dawn
Just before the dawn
Is the darkest hour
To withstand
That hour
Is the real test
That hour may seem like eons
And just when you thought you
Had lost all hope
The first rays were out
Shining brightly

With a rare warmth ..

A phenomenon that happens
After intense wavering
Of the mind
In directions which
Seemed important
Yet not so important
Now as compared to the
Coming together
Of this phenomenon
Where all the energies
Are concentrated one at a time
To accomplish what is possible now
And yet seemed impossible sometime back

Positive outlook
A mind
Which looks at all questions
And then the fooling around stops
As the next step is towards the answers
Wading through all kinds of situations
To arrive at solutions
Which may be whole or partial
A bright shining light
Or a glimmer of hope
Despite the questions
Whatever the solution type
The probing and striving continues

Thursday, February 5, 2015

An Honest Q

An Honest Q
The innocence of childhood
And the idealism of youth
The experience of growing up
Where all three carried forward
In the journey
Called Life
Then was ever  Innocence +Idealism +Experience = Life ??**

**PS- Especially if you decided to walk the sterile corridors of the corporate world

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lucerne.. Switzerland

Business trips take me to Lucerne at times -  small town near Zurich .I had a few peculiar observations ..

-There are more hair salons in Lucerne as compared  to say grocery shops.
-This could also explain for the fact that most people are so well turned out on the roads
-All shops in general close by 630pm or 645pm but you will see cafes and lounges open till the wee hours of dawn
-My colleague observed that even the swans on the lake Lucerne seem to be disciplined and orderly and move around or sleep in the water in a very very disciplined way..
-There is a Swiss precision  look on everything the buildings, the gardens , the lake ..Everyone follows the rules and that too wholeheartedly  .This is something which we can certainly imbibe in India - rules related to crossing roads, hygiene etc
-And the food -even for a vegetarian : it is amazing . Though dripping in cheese and other carbohydrates it is really tasty ..
-Most importantly all citizens seem to be very health conscious - they are walking, cycling or running ...
-The hotel where we stayed called The Hotel  had an amazing interior design idea-all the rooms had posters of important films on the roof !! Needless to say  this was mentioned in the hotel brochure ie that the architect was a great film buff esp European cinema ..

That's Lucerne for me along with the long meetings and" no time to stand and stare  " kind of a schedule !!

Learning and Discovery Series

The nothingness in the  busy-ness matters.
  It's a journey into some sort of a hidden treasure hunt .
 To land into the emptiness and search for ways of filling the space that takes you to newer destinations despite the terrible busy- ness
 the screaming timelines, urgent mails .
To discovery of the self
 uncovering of the layers
 to shaping a New you replete with the newness despite the busy ness

Learning-part one 
Learning as a continuous journey
But it is learning while living
That will remain etched forever
In the crevices of the mind
Etched so deeply
That it smoothens  the rough edges
Learnings could be varied
From learning to live with ambiguity
And balancing dichotomy
To understanding motives and yet not understanding them at the same time
To understand what is just and strive for it
 Yet learn to live without it a times
Quite happily
To reconcile, change yourself and others  and at times ignore
To find a way thru the maze and reach your goal
Which again seems to be a moving target?
That is learning while living
And living as you learn


The overwhelming thoughts
When things seem unsurmountable
For the while
The dark clouds gather
Only to scatter
After the heavy downpour
Washing away the darkness
Followed by the sunshine
The journey continues

 Learning-part two 
The learnings
That happen
Knowingly and many a time unknown to you
Only to be learnt later
When the crazy times
Have past gone by
And some silence creeps in
To reflect on the moments gone by
Which fill so many moments later
With a unique richness and texture
Granting a new hue to life 

The discovery that is Life
Of meeting the unexpected
Of doing the planned and the unplanned
Of looking at the same view thru different lens
Offered by this strange help called Time
Of scaling new heights
And yet being in the dumps
Of lying low and yet feeling high
In preparation of the climb ahead
To reach new heights and yet discover
The unique in the ordinary and
The mundane in the extraordinary

Monday, January 26, 2015

Some musings

Am back .. sharing my thoughts is an endless process as the thoughts themselves can be endless .But here's giving a bit of a rigor 

Last push
The efforts required to take the
Goal to the last step
Can be daunting at times
To remove all
Obstacles real and perceived
And move towards the finish
Cross it to move towards
Another destination
The last push is equally
Important like the first one

I am a grand work in progress
Work that started ages back
Progressed  to create a beautiful edifice
And still progressing
Built with the cement of harsh and soft experience
That was cast in many mixers
Of planned and unplanned events and incidents
Many hands contributed to further building
The structure and adding it various colors ad hues
Sometimes there was an excess of flow of the supplies and building blocks
And at times a shortage .. yet the work never ceased
At times many hands , at times none
But one constant contributor
And that’s me the grand work in progress itself
Adding the varied elements that came my way
And creating something new
Sometimes based on the old
At times based on the new
The work has to go on
And  progress is measured with each passing day
So the WIP is inevitable

The changing hues
Of relationships
But built on the solid foundation
Of either care or mistrust
Longevity or transience
Hence the changing hues
As the foundation itself 
Can be So wishy washy
At times
Or  so rock solid
That nothing can shake it

This one on the Corporate world..

The Corporate World at  Times
The  grandeur associated with
The trivial
The importance given
To the insignificant
The apotheosis of the mediocre
To rise above all this
Is sanity

And this one on the mindless violence which is our day to day news companion

A Democratic Answer
Sounds of silence from us
Or sounds of firing and triggers
Are the answer to the
Well-orchestrated cacophony
That is democracy
Where have we come to
In this borderless world
If it is not best practices, wealth, ideas, natural resources
That are easily transferred from one border to another
But a culture of violence , hatred, destruction , guile
Crosses all borders very seamlessly
Using www effectively
With many still wondering
Where we went
And from where have we come
We thought the Walls of the past were forever broken
But the foundation of new ones seems to be coming
Up on the  www on a daily basis …


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...