Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” —Viktor Frankl. The strong creeper. The creeper chose to grow on the wall . Come rain sun or fall. On the old Castle wall it stood tall. It blossomed and had a ball. Holding on strong when we thought it was frail. Here on the wall it had found its holy grail ( inspired by seeing a frail creeper grow strong on an old Castle wall in Baden)
A Literary Blog -The Randomness That is Life
Irregular snapshots of my thoughts , daily events and new ideas....
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Two Roads
Two roads running along side each other . The try to meet but don’t bother . The seem to meet and then depart . Running along side each other forever . Though to the outside world they seem all shiny and clever. The rough patches,the crumbling blocks and fine cracks . All seem smooth . but only from a distance and there is some old sooth. The roads just travel daily . As if lying there by habit they have nothing to do. Stuck to the habit of running along with each other like a glue
Ganga series
It’s in moments of solitude and reflection that you can actually make sense of the busyness of life and find some patterns in it ( if at all ). The Ganga is it a river or an experience. A feeling or concrete reality. The river flows daily since ages. Yet leaves thoughts and reflections at all stages . To ponder over even when the water has actually flown And the seeds of a new reality are sown
Thursday, May 4, 2023
The seasons change . And what a range . The trees with different hues . Sometimes a sunny day and some days all gloom. The flowers wilt and bloom. The fields blossom and at times shrink . We go out in a weather so dry , at times wet . And at times on the brink .
It’s only the ground the rawness of the Mother Earth . That is constant doesn’t change . Grounded since ages-since it’s birth !!
Ganga series
The changing hues of the sky. Just like the changing views of reality. The river Ganga flows deep and calm. The view to all senses is a soothing balm Well knowing where she has to go. And come rain or shine she is in the flow With the greenery around whole place is lit in the sunset glow
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Ganga series
The Ganga is different to different folks. For some a spirit. The life force. For some livelihood. For some source of reflection. For some just a flow It’s a multi faceted gem. Flowing since eternity into eternity
Like ashes in the wind. Like a flickering lamp in a storm Like a firefly Juggling between peace and strife. Transient Life The journey of the permanent soul. To the after life With what was the mind body soul rife Sum of the parts of the past It could be a whimper or a blast That is the equation of life. With all passion and zeal. To make it a wholesome deal
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freed...
The most effective way to do it, is to do it. – Amelia Earhart It is the end of the Navratri festival today in India- nine days ...
The commercial hubs in Mumbai have changed . In the past it was only Nariman Point then came Bandra Kurla Complex and Mindspace . The commer...
So now that the period of fasting is over for Team Anna and also a lot of other people around India – the period of introspection begins as ...